Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Blog #7

Gregglin White was sentenced as a habitual felon and ordered to serve a minimum of 4.8 years to a maximum of 6.8 years in a state prison for selling blue-colored crack cocaine. He pleaded guilty on Monday in Brunswick County Superior Court to felony sale of cocaine. He already has multiple previous felony convictions that include the sale of cocaine. An investigation by the District Attorney's office led to the arrest of White after he sold the crack cocaine to an agent of the sheriff's office on two occasions. This blue crack cocaine is more potent than regular crack cocaine. A search warrant on White's home revealed additional blue crack cocaine, as well as items used to manufacture and weigh it. I think that he should have been under supervision since he already had felonies dealing with the sale of cocaine. He was apparently trying to imitate someone on a tv show, but that is no excuse. He should have known better. Just because it is okay in movies and on tv does not mean it is okay in real life.

This relates to United States Government and Politics because it deals with the judicial branch. White had the right to not incriminate himself. He also had the right to a jury trial in front of his peers. He has the right to no cruel and unusual punishment.

1 comment:

  1. i agree with you. If he did it once already then they should have been making sure it wasn't doing it again.There should be a system in place to make sure criminals aren't repeatedly doing the same thing without getting tougher sentences
