Thursday, April 10, 2014

Blog #16

This article talks about Queen Azalea Kirsten Haglund and her trip to Wilmington. She first stopped at Pine Valley Elementary School, where the kids sang and danced to the song Roar by Katy Perry. She then stopped at New Hanover Regional Medical Center for a visit with patients and parents staying at the Betty H. Cameron Women's and Children's Hospital. 10 year-old Allison Heath got the opportunity to wear Haglund's crown. The nurse said that she hadn't smiled or laughed since she had been in the hospital, and that this would make kids' days for several weeks to come. The queen wrapped up the day by visiting the Brigade Boys and Girls Club. I think that the Azalea Festival is a great way for the community to come together and celebrate. I also think it is great the the Azalea Queen would go visit all these people to help brighten their days.
This relates to Government and Politics because it deals with the media and how they let others know what the azalea queen is doing while she is here in Wilmington.